Home Birds Can Parakeets Eat Celery?

Can Parakeets Eat Celery?

by Lucy

Parakeets, also known as budgies, make fantastic pets. These winged creatures are highly social, friendly, and active. Not to mention, parakeets make wonderful and even affectionate companions once they trust you. Another plus of keeping parakeets is that they are low-maintenance.

Yet, you will find parakeet guardians wondering about the kind of treats their little winged friends can have. With the proper diet, your bird will be happy and healthy. And all creatures enjoy a little variety in their diet, right?

When it comes to the kind of food that parakeets can eat, you can add several vegetables and fruits to the list. Perhaps, one of the healthiest vegetables to serve as a treat for your parakeet is the celery.

So, can parakeets eat celery? Yes, your parakeet can have celery in moderation, but you have to make sure that you remove all of the celery leaves before you offer it to your pet. It should also be served chopped or diced in small pieces.

Without further ado, let’s delve into the matter of parakeets, the benefits of feeding celery to your bird, and the ramifications you may face if you aren’t careful about what you present to your parakeets as a meal or snack.

What Are The Benefits Of Feeding Celery To My Parakeet?

Celery is full of minerals and vitamins. Not to mention, celery is great for parakeets. There are absolutely no toxins in this veggie that are unsafe for budgies. Vitamins A, C, and K are beneficial for your parakeet’s well-being. You see, vitamin A helps in the proper growth of the beaks and nails of birds. A deficiency of vitamin A can lead to a shorter beak and flaky nails. 

Vitamin C promotes mental health, supports the immune system, and reduces oxidative stress.

Vitamin K helps coagulate blood. A deficiency of vitamin K may result in an increase of blood spots in eggs, hemorrhaging in the legs and breasts, and excessive blood clotting. Celery contains potassium and folate too. Potassium encourages strong bone growth and aids metabolism in birds.

A high potassium diet will keep your bird’s blood pressure in check, prevent stroke, and keep away diseases like osteoporosis and kidney stones. A healthier digestive system and faster metabolism will mean a healthier bird with superb plumage and mental alacrity. Folate assists in the generation of red and white blood cells, particularly preventing illnesses. 

How Should You Feed Celery To Parakeets?

You have to understand that the primary diet for parakeets should be the pellets and seed mixes that are formulated specifically for parakeets and are available in the market (we’d recommend this mix).

These pellets and seeds are full of the nutrition that your birdie needs daily to be healthy. But, it is general knowledge that parakeets love to try out new food. You’d probably get bored of eating pellets every day too. 

You can make it a practice to add some spice to your bird’s life by providing wholesome yet different treats. You see, celery does not make a meal for your bird; it should only be presented as a snack. 

The first thing to remember when you offer veggies and fruits as treats is to avoid GMO products. Going with organic produce is an excellent option as you can then be 100% sure that the food you feed your bird is chemical and pesticide-free

Next, it is essential that you thoroughly wash your fresh produce before you chop or dice it up for your bird. Organic produce is supposed to be free of pesticides, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. So, wash your veggies and fruits at least twice, preferably with a vinegar wash, before chopping them up. 

With celery sticks, you need to make sure that you remove all of the celery leaves as well as the stringy part of the vegetable. No, your parakeet cannot have celery leaves, as they are toxic for your bird. The stringy part of the celery can cause crop impaction.

Crop impaction occurs when an indigestible or unchewable part of a crop can block the air passage. In short, the stringy part of the celery can be a choking hazard. Furthermore, ensure that you provide bite-sized pieces to your parrot so that your feathered friend can enjoy its tasty treat without choking on it. 

The most vital piece of information when it comes to offering treats to your bird is never to overfeed your pet. Your bird will enjoy one snack more than another, but it isn’t smart to offer the same treat consistently over a long period.

Remember, too much of a good thing can be bad too. You can feed your parakeet a tablespoon full of chopped celery once or twice a week. But, it is always a smart move to keep offering different snacks every treat time.

Excessive consumption of celery will lead to diarrhea and malnutrition. Also, if you tend to feed your parakeet celery too often, your bird may suffer from gastrointestinal problems.  

What Other Treats Can You Feed Your Parakeet?

You can feed your pet many different veggies and fruits. The daily meal of pellets will help your parakeet keep fit. Vegetables and fruits add to the vitamins and minerals that are proven to be remarkably beneficial in making your pet healthy. But, before you try something new, it’s better to find out whether that vegetable or fruit is safe for your parakeet in the first place.

Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and alfalfa sprouts are rich in vitamin A, E, and K. Many other vegetables bring a diverse amount of nutrients to your bird’s body. Let’s take a look at the list of veggies that your parakeet can eat without fear of any ill effects. Remember to remove the seeds and inedible pieces and chop the veggies up into manageable bites.

Safe Veggies To Feed Your Parakeet:

  • Leafy Vegetables
  • Kale
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Dandelion Seeds
  • Spinach
  • Sprouted seeds
  • Carrots
  • Corn
  • Peas
  • Zucchini
  • Potatoes
  • Asparagus
  • Cucumbers
  • Beetroot 
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Green Beans
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage

There are several fruits that your winged friend can eat too to stay fit and healthy. Here’s a list of delicious fruits that your feathered babies can eat without fear of falling ill. However, remember to remove the seeds and inedible pieces. You’ll also want to cut them into manageable bites.

Safe Fruits To Feed Your Parakeet:

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Pineapple
  • Mango
  • Watermelon
  • Honey melon
  • Honey Dew
  • Apricot
  • Peaches
  • Cherries
  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Coconut
  • Grapes
  • Oranges

The most crucial element to remember is that your bird will happily eat most of these fruits and vegetables. But, there should always be a measure of how much you should feed your parakeet. 

What Should You Avoid Feeding Your Parakeet?

Now you know about the fruits and vegetables that you can feed your parakeet. But it is equally important to know about the food items that may be potentially dangerous for your pet. Here’s a list of foods, including fruits and vegetables, that should be kept far away from your budgie as it is toxic for your bird.

Foods That Are Bad For Parakeets:

  • Human food – any processed, fried, salty, or sugary food poses a threat to your pet’s life. Over time, these foods can lead to obesity and a host of other issues that can come with it, as well as dehydration, gastrointestinal distress, and more
  • Alcohol
  • Avocado – persin, a compound that is found in avocados, is toxic for birds
  • Dairy Products – most birds simply don’t have the digestive capacity to digest dairy products
  • Cassava – also known as tapioca
  • Chocolate or cocoa 
  • Meat
  • Fruit seeds and pits – most fruit seeds contain small measures of cyanide that can prove lethal for your tiny friend. Other fruits, such as cherries, have pits that present choking hazards for most birds
  • Caffeine – manages to affect the central nervous system of your bird. Caffeine can lead to cardiac distress, hyperactivity, and aggressive behavior in birds
  • Garlic – allicin exists in garlic that can cause anemia and weakness in parakeets
  • Onion – onions contain sulfur compounds that aren’t good for birds
  • Xylitol – artificial sweetener is unsafe for most pets, including cats and dogs


There’s no doubt that your parakeet will bring tons of joy and laughter into your life. But, keeping a pet also means responsibility. It’s your job as its parent to ensure that it stays that way for a long time. When it comes to the diet and upkeep of your bird, it helps to gain as much information as you possibly can before you try out a new food item. 

The best possible thing that you can do is seek the advice of your bird’s avian vet. Most vets have a good idea about foods that can prove beneficial or toxic for birds. Hopefully, with lots of love and care, your bird will live a long, happy, and healthy life.

Up Next: Do Birds Kiss? (And What It Means)

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