Home Dogs Can My Dog Eat Caramel Popcorn?

Can My Dog Eat Caramel Popcorn?

by Lucy

Caramel popcorn is just so great – the soft popcorn is coated in a crispy sweet caramel goodness, and sometimes we may snack on a little more than we should! 

If you are enjoying a packet of caramel popcorn at home and your pup starts giving you some strong hints that they would like a taste, you might be tempted to share some of your caramel popcorn with them.

Ask yourself first, can my dog eat caramel popcorn? Caramel popcorn is not technically toxic to dogs, but it is a dangerous treat for them to consume. Sugar isn’t good for dogs in general, and popcorn kernels can pose threats to your dog’s health, so caramel corn is the ultimate no-no for your dog.

There are some great dog treats out there that your pooch is sure to love. Rather purchase a packet or two of these to keep at home, and save yourself the worry of your pup getting into a packet of caramel popcorn. 

Here is why your dog should not be fed caramel popcorn!

Should I Feed My Dog Caramel Popcorn?

Simply, no, you should not feed caramel popcorn to your dog. You might think one or two pieces is fine, and you might be lucky and your dog might not be affected at all, but there are quite a few ways that caramel popcorn can harm your dog.

Dogs were not made with digestive systems suited for sweet treats, and they wouldn’t need to have this as their diet doesn’t include sweet treats such as caramel popcorn. It is best to stick to treats that were made specifically for dogs, and which see to their nutritional needs, instead of feeding them our food.

It is best to avoid feeding them human treats and food such as caramel popcorn. While it might not be outright toxic to them, both the popcorn and the caramel can have short and long term effects on their health.

What Is Caramel Popcorn?

In order to understand better why you should not feed caramel popcorn to your dog, you need to know exactly what caramel popcorn is.

Caramel popcorn is made up of two ingredients – caramel and popcorn. 

Caramel – Caramel is a sweet which is made by melting sugar at a high temperature, at 340°F.  At this temperature, the sugar melts gradually and breaks down into a paste. This gives it a darker color and a richer, burnt flavor.

Popcorn – Popcorn is made when dried corn kernels are heated in butter or oil. When heated, these kernels pop and have a soft, white texture. Popcorn can be served with many different seasonings and spices!

Once the popcorn and caramel have both been made, the popcorn is then coated in the hot, sticky caramel which is in a thick liquid form. This can be eaten as is or left to harden.

Caramel popcorn can be made quite easily at home, but it is also a popular treat sold at stores (definitely not in the dog aisle!).

Why Is Caramel Popcorn Bad For My Dog?

Both the caramel and the popcorn can be harmful to your dog. The effects can range from short-term to long-term, and some can have a lasting effect on your dog’s health. The risk is not worth it, but to further understand why, here is what caramel and popcorn can do to your dog.


Caramel is made from sugar. That is why we as humans love it so much, and why your dog with a sweet tooth might be so interested in trying it out after sniffing it out from the other room.

A dog’s diet should not include too much sugar; they simply are not equipped to deal with it. Too much sugar can have a devastating effect on your dog’s health.

Some dogs are particularly sensitive to sugar, and even a few pieces of caramel popcorn can cause your dog to feel ill. They might present with vomiting and diarrhea. If you notice this after your dog has eaten some caramel popcorn, make sure they are hydrated and call the vet if it does not subside over a few hours.

Too much sugar, if you feed your dog caramel popcorn often, might also cause obesity and diabetes over time. Both of these come with serious health implications, and will affect your dog for the rest of their lives. This is why it is important to avoid including too much sugar in your dog’s diet.

Caramel is delicious, but for dogs, it can be deadly. Between nausea and vomiting, to diabetes and obesity, it should be kept away from your dog as much as possible.


Popcorn itself is not necessarily dangerous for your dog, but unpopped popcorn kernels are! There are so many ways in which popcorn kernels can be dangerous for your dog, and they can cause them some real pain and discomfort.

The first issue with popcorn kernels is that they might become lodged in your dog’s teeth. We have the luxury of flossing and using toothpicks, but unfortunately, dogs do not.

If a popcorn kernel becomes stuck in your dog’s teeth, it could cause them pain and discomfort and might put them off eating for quite some time. You might not even notice that the popcorn kernel is stuck before it is too late.

If a popcorn kernel is left in your dog’s tooth and they cannot dislodge it, it could lead to gum infections and gum disease. These are both quite serious and will need a veterinarian to help treat them. 

Sometimes when dogs eat, especially when they are trying to sneak in food before you catch them, they will inhale their food as quickly as possible. 

These popcorn kernels could cause a buildup in your dog’s digestive tract, and this could lead to a bowel obstruction. This is incredibly difficult to notice if you are not sure what to look for, and especially if you do not know you need to be looking for anything at all!

A blockage like this could be life-threatening, and definitely requires a visit to the vet! This will only happen if your dog consumes a large number of popcorn kernels, but as they are difficult for your dog to digest, they can build up over time.

The Effects Of Caramel Popcorn on Dogs

Caramel popcorn can have a few immediate effects on your dog. Here is what might happen:


The sugar in the caramel could cause your dog to become hyperactive soon after eating some of the popcorn. This could cause them to act incredibly different from how they normally do and might cause them to run around and not listen to instruction. This could be disastrous if they are indoors!

Hyperactivity might also cause your dog to become overly boisterous, and you cannot be too sure how they will react to you. Their system is not used to so much sugar, so the effect on their behavior can be quite profound.


The sugar could cause an increase in anxiety for your dog. This might cause them to behave differently to how they normally do as well. Their heart rate could increase and they may become stressed. This really is not fair on them, and should be avoided wherever possible.

Sugar Crash

We have all experienced it – you pig out on too much sugar, have a spike in energy, and then have a massive sugar crash later on. This feeling is horrible, and you feel drained, tired and just overall gross.

The same thing can happen to your dog, and for them it might even be more pronounced. If you notice your dog acting sluggish, tired and odd after eating too much sugar or caramel popcorn, try to keep them hydrated and call the vet if it continues.

Vomiting and Diarrhea

The sugar might cause your dog to experience some vomiting and diarrhea. Some dogs are more sensitive to sugar than others, so your dog might not experience this at all.

If this happens, keep your pooch hydrated and take them to the doctor if it persists and they will not eat or drink, or cannot keep any food or water down.

Related Questions

Can popcorn give dogs diarrhea?

Popcorn itself does not necessarily cause diarrhea for dogs, but the spices, salt, and seasonings added to it might. If the popcorn is cooked in butter or oil, it could also upset your dog’s diet. They are not used to these types of foods and ingredients, and their body might react to it by becoming sick.

Can my dog eat cheese popcorn?

No, your dog should not eat cheese popcorn. The popcorn kernels can cause harm, and the cheese seasoning might have a high sodium content that is not healthy for your dog.

Can dogs eat marshmallows?

Dogs should not eat marshmallows. They aren’t toxic to dogs, but the high sugar content can lead to sickness, obesity, and diabetes over time. They also contain next to no nutritional benefits for dogs, so there is no reason to feed them any.

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